Who we are
Pathway to Canada Target 1, biodiversity, conservation, 2020, Canadian
“In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught.”
The Pathway Team
Federal, territorial, provincial and local governments, Indigenous Peoples, private landowners, communities, non-governmental organizations and the private sector all have a role to play in protecting Canada’s biodiversity.
To see who currently participates in the Pathway initiative, click on the image to download a copy of the Pathway Organization Elements diagram.
Three main groups of people have contributed to the creation of Pathway: the Indigenous Circle of Experts, the National Advisory Panel and a National Steering Committee. See information below to learn more about these groups.
Indigenous Circle of Experts
Pathway was designed to reflect renewed relationships that respect the rights, responsibilities, and priorities of Indigenous Peoples.
A key element in this has been the Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE) that led efforts to consider how Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) could be realized in Canada and contribute toward achieving Canada Target 1 in the spirit and practice of reconciliation. Members of the ICE included a core group of Indigenous experts from across Canada, and officials from federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions.
The ICE was mandated to produce a report with recommendations and guidance on IPCAs for consideration by Indigenous, federal, provincial and territorial governments. The ICE hosted four regional gatherings to hear from Indigenous Peoples across Canada on the IPCA concept, and inform its recommendations with Indigenous knowledge and local experiences in Indigenous-led conservation. This work has resulted in and informed, ongoing dialogue and the We Rise Together report.
We rise together - Read the Indigenous Circle of Experts report
Biographies - Indigenous Circle of Experts
National Advisory Panel
National Advisory Panel (NAP) members were appointed by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Minister for Alberta Environment and Parks. Members were selected based on merit and represented perspectives from Indigenous Peoples, land trusts, conservation non-governmental organizations, industry, academia, and youth.
The National Advisory Panel's report highlights recommendations on how governments, non-governmental organizations and Canadians could collectively achieve Canada Target 1 through a coordinated and connected network of protected and conservation areas throughout the country.
Canada’s Conservation Vision - Read the National Advisory Panel report
Biographies - National Advisory Panel members
National Steering Committee
The National Steering Committee (NSC) is led by a federal co-chair from Environment and Climate Change Canada and a non-federal co-chair from the Assembly of First Nations.
The NSC consists of members from federal, provincial, territorial, and local governments, representatives from the Assembly of First Nations, the Métis National Council, Canadian Parks Council, and invited individuals from Indigenous organizations, environmental non-governmental organizations, and youth.
Pathway NSC Terms of Reference (Updated 2023)